Omikuji Oracles

pa Jones     Introduction     [Installation]    oracles     photography

omikuji wheel

spin the wheel of fortune and select your enviro-oracle from the chest. There are 50 different oracles with suggestions to improve the environment such as tips for reducing your carbon foot print, finding eco-friendly products and safety concerns for people and the planet. According to the artist, if you tie your oracle to the bamboo fence it will come true.

In Japan, these paper fortunes are called Omikuji. this custom is a popular practice at temples and shrines especially during the New Year celebration. The installation was inspired by photographs taken in Japan.

chest of oracles

Bamboo Wheel of Fortune designed and constructed by R.D. Heath
73 x 60 x 12 inches
Recycled Wood, Timber Bamboo, Twine, Metal
Pigmented Inkjet Print by Peggy Ann Jones
Chest of Oracles:
Recycled CD chest
Pigmented Inkjet prints with kanji numbers
Mahogany wood, Bamboo, Twine
24 x 15 x 16 inches